$25 OFF Every $150 purchase. Unlimited purchase times.
Offer valid from 9:00 am PST November 10, 2023 for a limited period of time.
Free Gift with Purchase˚ : ($ purchase amount before taxes)
With purchase of $149: SelectGold multipack x 1 (6 pcs-MHD 02/2024)
With purchase of $299: Ceramic 5.5 inch pot set with spoon x 1
With purchase of $449: (Note in section: cat gift OR dog gift)
Cat: GranataPet Symphonie x 3pcs+ Filet á la carte x 5pcs, random
Dog: GranataPet Miniroyal x 8pcs, random
With purchase of $1099: Vetreska Lots-o'-Huggin' pet bed x 1
* ˚ All prices are referred to prices before taxes & prices after any promotional discounts applied. Product prices and availability are limited time and subject to change without notice. Clearance items are excluded from the promo. Rewards points cannot be combined with BF discounts or other promotional discounts. Price adjustment is not applicable. Store T&Cs and policies apply.
˚ Purchase condition must be met in a single order in order to receive the gift. Purchase amount before taxes must meet tier level. One gift per order. One customer can claim the same gift multiple times during event. While stock lasts. Limited time only.